Tuesday, March 4, 2014


There are many kinds of love. There is a mother's love, brotherly love, charitable love, patriotic love, but the love we hear about the most is sexual love. In our society, we see physical love on the TV, movies, and on the internet.  I have often heard couples say that, although they still love each other, they are splitting up because they are no longer "in love..."  Unfortunately, research has shown that tingling sensation is based on hormones, which lasts from one year to 18 months. That's it. It's purely a biological response. 

So, what is true love?  Love is a behavior.  The word Love appears 686 times in the Bible. Why is Love so important? Because God is Love. He wants believers to show love, so other's can see our faith in action. When we follow Him, we are transformed into becoming like Him. We become a blessing to others.  The Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians, "And now I will show you the most excellent way..."   love is the most important of all the gifts God gives us. We can have all kinds of spiritual gifts, but if we don't love, we have nothing. We are called to walk in love. 2 John 2: 4 - 6. Christian love is from God; it is the purest and most enduring form of love. So, what does this type of love look like?  1 Corinthians 13:4-8 shows us how to truly love:

Love is Patient. How easy it is for us, in today's society, to get impatient when a slow driver is in front of us, and we are in a hurry..or if we have to wait a full minute when our computer doesn't respond as quickly as we want. Some versions of the Bible say that patience is "long-suffering." Anyone who has children knows how frustrating to is when they don't put the milk back in the refrigerator, and you've told them to do that for the hundredth time.  

Love is Kind. Make an extra effort to do a nice thing for another. Go out of your way to brighten someone's day. Commit "random acts of kindness"  just because.

Love Does NOT Envy. The purpose of marketing is to make us want something we don't have..be it a new flat-screen TV, more effective dish soap, you name it. We are a nation of wanting more and better. Another form of envy is jealousy, which is wanting to be like another person because they are handsome or popular, and we think that we are not. Be content with what you have and who you are.

Love Does NOT Boast. People with an inflated opinion of themselves often brag about their achievements. Be humble and don't jump into the conversation telling everyone what you did. Really listen to the other person share something about themselves without interrupting to tell your story.

Love Is NOT Proud. It's when we make a display of our selves...self importance...being pompous. It's the big "I", little "you" syndrome. Being modest and humble is more attractive than being arrogant.

Love is NOT Rude. This is due to lack of consideration for other's feelings or needs. Being impolite and having no manners seems to be a common occurrence, such as leaving shopping carts in the middle of the grocery store aisle, creating a jam up of frustrated shoppers. Be courteous and think ahead to see how our behaviors may be negatively affecting others.

Love is NOT self-seeking/selfish. People often look out for what's good for themselves, even when knowing it may not be good for others. Frequently these folks will use manipulations as a subtle form of selfishness. Others may be outright demanding, displaying childish behaviors. Don't be greedy. Instead of being first, be last for a change. Take the higher road.

Love is NOT easily angered..not quick tempered...nor easily provoked. Some translations even say not irritable. When someone starts "pushing your buttons," stop, take a few deep breathes and tell yourself "it's not worth getting angry over."  Other ways to prevent getting angry is to just walk away, bit your tongue, listen to soothing music, drink some cool water, and get some fresh air. Is getting angry with a loved one over something small worth damaging or losing the relationship? In the long run, does this really matter?"

Love Keeps No Record of Wrongs. This includes not brooding over hurts. We live in an imperfect world and people, even ones we love, do things unintentionally that hurt our feelings. Let the hurt go, then do some problem solving to prevent the situation from happening again. Once the behavior is corrected, start with a clean slate. Forgive and move on. Each day is a new day to start fresh. That's what God does for us.

Love does NOT Delight in Evil..or wrong doing. Don't gloat when someone fails or is confronted with troubles in their life. Stop gossiping. Remember, there will be a day when we are the recipient of  an injustice. Offer encouragement instead.

Love Rejoices with the Truth.  The Word is Truth; read the Bible and learn how to walk in the ways of Jesus. Listen or sing to praise music. Spread the Good News. Be truthful, in a loving way when talking to others. 

Love Always Protects.  Help those in need. Watch over the safety of children. Always be supportive of those who are discouraged.  Love never gives up, but bears all things, including a loved one's chronic illnesses. Pray for protection and healing, for yourself and others. There's never such a thing as too much prayer! 

Love Always Trusts. Others may let us down, but God never does. Never lose faith in God. Stay loyal to Him, and believe in His promises. Everyone else is human and sooner or later will disappoint you. Expect it..they are only human. Put your trust in the one True God.

Love Always Hopes. Believe! Stay positive and don't slip into discouragement. We don't know until the end how things will work out. Don't jump to negative conclusions. 

Love Always Perseveres. Endure. Don't Quit. Hang in there until the end. Finish the race set before you...it builds character. Fix your eyes on Jesus, not on the trial or temptation.

LOVE NEVER FAILS. God is Love, and He never fails. We often do not see God's hand at work behind the scenes, but He is there. He may not do what we want or expect, or even answer prayers as quickly as we'd like. Be sure, however, that God is at work in your live bringing about good. People will fail us, but God never does. We may keep most of the 10 Commandments, but still be a miserable person. Jesus said all the commandments are fulfilled when we love our neighbors as our self. Love is greater than the law because Love never fails.

Every day check yourself - are you showing God's Love? Love is the ultimate expression of God's loyalty, grace, mercy and forgiveness which he extends to His people. Let your heart be filled with His love, so you can share that love in all your relationships. When we look at others, see the best in them. Be consistent, and they will become the best within themselves. That is True Love.

(Based on the talk given at the February 18, 2014 meeting of Baskets of Life.)